1.4 the Dispatch Chart From Selection to Handing Over Workers the Employer Are as Follows:
(I) Preliminary selection: Preliminary selection is mode on receipt of initial intimation form the employers as to the type and number of personnel.
(II) Permission: On receipt of demand Letter (dully attested by Bangladesh Embassy) from employers, permission is taken form Ministry of Labour and Manpower, Government of Bangladesh. Time required: about 7 working days.
(III) Final Selection: Through interviews is taken at the pre-selection and final selection of worker in the specific skill as per requirement of the employer. – Time required for final selection: 14 days from receipt of the official order from the employer.
(IV) Medical Fitness Test: All the selected workers must go through mandatory medical test by clinics / doctors, authorizes by the Embassy of the country of employment Time required: 3 days
(V) Passport: For those worker who do not possess valid Passport, a new Passport is arranged. – Time required: 15 days
(VI) NOC Application documents (If block visa is not available): Relevant papers & documents for NOC application are dispatched to employers along with the following:
- Passport (Photo copies) and Experience/Academic Certificates.
- Photographs & Bio-Data of the selected workers. –Time required: 5 days
(VII) Receipt of Visa advice from employers: The visa advice sent by the employers needs to be authenticated by the relevant and competent authority of the country of employment. Obtain Immigration clearance from BMET – Time required: 3 days
(VIII) Visa endorsement: On receipt of visa advice from relevant authorities, Passports are submitted to the relevant embassy in Dhaka for Visa Stamping. – Time required: 4 to 5 days or depends on the Embassy advised to the employer: - Time required: 3 days
(X) Dispatch of worker: On receipt of visa form the Embassies, the personnel are sent to the respective country as per schedule advised to the employer. – Advice sent before 2/3 days of dispatch or as advice by the employer
(XI) Required period of dispatch: After receipt of NOC (Visa advice) for the worker form the employer MBH ca dispatch the worker within 10/15 days
1.5 Management of Remittances of Workers Salary/wages:
This can be organized in either of the following ways:
Malaysia Bangladesh Holdings Pte. Ltd. will arrange open Foreign Currency Account in Bangladesh for all workers to enable them to remit their wages/allowances to their families or the nominees. Full guidance and explanation will be given to them as to the operation of the account. In order to cope with this situation we arrange a pre-departure orientation course for the workers for one week in which we discuss in details, all the points of probable difficulties supposed to be faced by the workers. We brief the workers on the following points:
(A) Job Description : We explain in detail the job title of the workers along with their related duties, terms and conditions of employment contract clause such as designation, salary, overtime, food, lodging and duration of contract. We also explain to the workers other benefits like incentives pay, vocational award, social insurance and its contribution.
(B) Custom, Tradition, Social Rules and Restrictions: It is known that all the middle-East countries are strict about Islamic principles and do not like any hindrance to local social customs and Islamic rules. Therefore, we brief them as follows: Propaganda of religion other than Islam is not allowed. Anti-labour activities, political arguments and gatherings are not allowed. Drinking liquor, gambling and any violence against law are prohibited. We alert them that the punishment for theft is cutting hand or foot and includes amputation of limbs. We acquaint them with such laws as beheading for murder, flogging for the minor offence. We also tell them that adultery, rape, prostitution are strictly prohibited. If anybody is found involved, capital punishment may be award. Further, taking picture of local women, children factories and refineries are prohibited.
(C) Advice for better relationship with fellow workers: Our advice to workers are as follows:
- To Quarrel with each other is a great offence.
- Foremen’s order must be followed.
- Any problem faced must be informed to foreman.
- Not to divulge any company’s secret to others
- Loitering around residential area is strictly prohibited.
- To use proper dress
- Long hair is not acceptable
- Hoisting any other Foreign Flag is not allowed.
- Involvement in local people’s affairs is prohibited.
- Strike, rally, joining processions will be punishable offence.